Profile Of GBCB

  • The Greater Bombay Co-operative Bank Ltd, more popularly known as Greater Bank, had its humble beginnings over seven decades ago on 10th December 1952, when a small group of philanthropists got together to set up the Bank. Though the founders were pursuing interests of their own, they decided to establish the bank with the sole motto of serving the community at large. With this end in view, they introduced attractive deposit and lending schemes relevant to the times. The Bank made a mark for itself with high quality of service, which primarily induced several customers to the bank. Having achieved the status of a scheduled bank in 1996, The Greater Bombay Co-operative Bank has been making giant strides by attracting customers from the low, middle and upper income strata. This speaks volumes about the faith and the trust reposed in the Bank by the public.

  • The Bank has achieved distinguished success in co-operative banking sector particularly during the last few years because of its distinct objectives, strategic plan of action, its continuous monitoring and sharing of success with the concerned personnel. Good Corporate Governance and a committed management with the Board of Directors with keen interest in the well being of the Bank has been instrumental in The Greater Bombay Co-operative Bank reaching greater heights.

  • The Business mix stood at Rs. 3017 cr. mark during the financial year 2023-24, Deposits stood at Rs. 1758 cr whereas Advances were at Rs. 1259 cr. Total Investments were at Rs. 615 cr. Bank’s CASA ratio stood at 37.79%. Net Interest Margin (NIM) stood at 3.11%. The Bank has also maintained a CRAR at 19.51% against the RBI requirement of minimum of 12%.